May 1, 2024

“C” is for Captain America


For Day 3 of the April A-to-Z Blogging Challenge, I have chosen Captain America to represent the letter C. For those of you who regularly follow my blog, you know that I am pretty solidly a DC Comics fan. So, why then am I choosing a Marvel character for my post? I never read the Captain America comic books, but I have seen the movies. Of the Marvel films, the Captain America installments have been my favorites. I particularly enjoyed the first one. I like the story of Steve Rogers being an underdog, not good enough for anyone, and making himself into a hero. While I do not condone signing yourself up for secret, military experimentation to get yourself super powers, I do believe in showing people what you are made of, especially when that involves doing good for others. As far as fictional characters go, I do think that Chris Evan’s portrayal of Captain America can be inspirational.

One of the Minifigure photos that I took to turn into the LEGO-fied Civil War poster.

For my LEGO-fied poster today, I went with the Captain America: Civil War poster. While less focused on Captain America, and really more of an ensemble cast movie, I still quite enjoyed it. I also liked that Iron Man got his butt kicked. I liked the first Iron Man movie, but the subsequent ones have all annoyed me. I guess that Tony Stark is supposed to be obnoxious, but I don’t like him. I got the Captain America Minifigure in a freebie promotion at the LEGO Store, and Iron Man came with the Attack on Avengers Tower set (click here to read my review).

As always, feel free to leave your thoughts on Captain America/Marvel films in the space below. This post was written as part of my LEGO-fied series for the April A-to-Z Challenge (click here to visit the official website and find out more).

Until next time!


LEGO-fied Captain America: Civil War poster.

6 thoughts on ““C” is for Captain America

  1. Tom,

    You’re so clever with your movie poster redesigns using Lego figures. lol I did watch this flick not long ago while using my elliptical. I preferred the first “Captain America” movie. I’m not a huge comic movie fan but their okay to watch sometimes. Nicely done!

    Curious as a Cathy
    A2Z iPad Art Sketch ‘Coffee Cup’

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